Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wanted: Photos for Littleton 300 Book

The Littleton Historical Society needs photographs of people and places in town during the 1900’s for possible use in the 300 Book. In particular, pictures related to WWI (1917/18), and WWII (1940’s) are needed. Do you have good quality pictures of family members who were in military service? We also need pictures showing places in town associated with the war effort.

You can send digital photos to, or bring original photographs to the Society at 4 Rogers Street where they will be scanned and the originals returned to you. The Society is open every Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 4 PM. When submitting photos, please provide information, such as the names of people, the location, the date when taken, and name of the photographer, if known. Pictures will be considered for use to illustrate the 300 Book. And also added to the Society’s collection.

For more information and other times when you can bring photos to the Society, please e-mail the Society or call 978-486-8202. Or call Ann Himmelberger at 978-742-5960, or e-mail